The future of Kotaku looks increasingly grim, yet it’s incredibly satisfying to observe their inevitable demise.
Deadspin, an alleged sports news website, has been sold yet again. Formerly under Gawker Media’s ownership, it became part of the private-equity backed G/O Media in 2019.
In a memo to company staff on Monday, G/O Media CEO Jim Spanfeller disclosed that Deadspin has been sold to European startup Lineup Publishing, resulting in the entire staff being laid off.
G/O Media recently closed down its feminist news website “Jezebel” and downsized its Kotaku workforce. Kotaku recently entered the Sweet Baby Inc debate, where the anti-White racist Alyssa Mercante produced a biased piece defending the DEI / ESG consultancy firm.
The article obscured the truth about Sweet Baby Inc’s targeted harassment towards a Steam curation group while portraying the company as innocent victims. Because invasive parasites seemingly have a moral obligation to protect each other, even if that means exposing an incestrious relationship between woke journalists and diversity pushing sycophants.
Deadspin was always supposed to be a sports news website, though this hasn’t stopped them from chiming in on bullshit, such as Gamergate. However the radical feminists whom operate the “sports” website are mainly known for trying to name and shame a 9-year-old child for supposedly wearing “blackface” at an NFL event where the child was wearing a native headdress paired with facial paint in the colors of the Kansas City Chiefs.

In February 2024, the child’s family initiated a defamation lawsuit against G/O Media, seeking unspecified damages. The case is still ongoing.
The author of the hit piece, Carron J. Phillips now finds himself out of a job as the new owners of Deadspin have sacked its entire workforce.

Following the sale, the entire 11-person staff of Deadspin was let go. In a memo, Spanfeller stated:
“Deadspin’s new owners have chosen not to retain any of the current staff and instead aim to assemble a new team aligned with their editorial vision for the brand. While they intend to respect Deadspin’s distinctive voice, they will adopt a different content strategy for sports coverage. Regrettably, this entails parting ways with the affected staff members, who have been informed today.”
Over the past few years, G/O Media has been selling off sites and reducing staff numbers gradually to supposedly “streamline” its operations. However is merely a realization that their progressive-oriented mainstream media outlets are losing traction with the general public.

With shrinking ad revenues, the primary form of engagement and revenue generation has become producing rage-inducing content designed to provoke outrage, such as what we’ve seen with Kotaku in recent times or how Deadspin tried to slander a little boy for apparently being racist by wearing team colors at a sports game.
These hateful journalist platforms are facing a rapid decline, particularly amid global economic challenges progressive “journalists” will likely be unable to secure alternative employment in the industry, as factors are converging in what appears to be a resurgence of a second Gamergate.
This escalation is fueled by a Latin American individual compiling a list of games developed in partnership with Sweet Baby Inc, prompting a response from their employees who are unable to tolerate criticism or keep their mouths shut.
The controversy erupted when all industry outlets seemingly synchronized in churning out numerous fluff pieces defending the small consulting company. These articles obscured the company’s involvement in inciting a harassment campaign over a simple compiled list, while also maligning those who criticized or did not support the company as being racist, sexist, and bigoted conspiracy theorists.
As they reveal their corrupt nature and incestrious relationship with Sweet Baby Inc, staffed by racists who use threats to incorporate more diverse narration and character designs which care both hollow and are void of creativity.
I for one cannot be more ecstatic knowing the vindictive pieces of shit who defamed a child for wearing face paint as being racist have displaced out of their employment, the same can be said about Kotaku who are more than certainly going to shutter its doors sometime within the next couple of years, I would say to these hacktivists that they should “learn to code” but truth be told I don’t want these progressive parasites shitting up any GitHub repositories with their politically motivated malice.