It has been formally announced that the High School DxD mobile game on Mobage will be discontinued after operating for over a decade

The long running game will terminate its services on December 26th, originally releasing on September 24th 2013, lasting ten years and three months which is an astronomical feat given the nature of the game itself.

The game, which was simply titled High School DxD is best summarized as a TCG, a titty collection game where you, the player were able to interact with characters, but mainly you’d be collecting provocative cards of various characters features across the High School DxD franchise and engage in card battles.

The cards themselves are extremely sexualized hence why the game was popular enough to survive for over a decade, with new cards / renders being made available on a frequent basis, the closure of the game marks an end of an era.

End of an era quite literally in fact, because the Mobage card game was the last adaptation of High School DxD that retained the older character design / art style with its frequent card drops.

The older art style had been featured throughout the first three seasons of the anime adaptation, before High School DxD HERO came along, animated by studio Passione with a cookie cutter nu-anime aesthetic that absolutely ever single fan hated.

The new art style appears to be cheap cost-effective slop, lacking originality as quite literally 90% of modern anime follows the same Korean made tropes, and the most heinous crime of all is that it’s visually repulsive and an afront to the originals produced by TNK.

It’s boggles the mind as to how anyone could perceive Passione’s rendition as being an improvement over TNK’s previous adaptations let alone anything short of a downgrade.

Sadly, fans of High School DxD were disappointed in what could have been an announcement for a fifth installment to instead be given the shaft following an announcement for a spin-off novel titled “Junior High School DxD” for the franchises 15th anniversary that nobody generally wanted, with a female lead.

While High School DxD seemingly remains on hiatus, the discontinuation of the mobage trading card game has left a somber taste in the mouths of dedicated fans to this particular franchise, however we can at least look back upon the abundances of enticing and alluring cards and renders that the game leaves us with when it shuts down for good on December 26th, with there being over 10,000 different iterations of cards produced throughout the games decade long life span.

But actual fans know the truth, the death of this game more than likely means the death of the franchise as a whole, even if the series were to come out of hibernation it would more than likely continue where it left off with the cancerous new art direction.