This has been a tremendous cluster fuck for AMD who are seemingly their own worst enemy when it comes to consumer public relation and the continued misconception of the company producing “terrible” or “broken” graphics card driver updates.
After receiving numerous reports of gamers facing genuine game bans while using AMD’s Anti-Lag+ technology in online competitive titles, the company has gone to significant lengths to resolve the problem.
AMD’s solution? To effectively disable Anti-Lag+ with their latest Adrenalin drivers.
Various games with their anti-cheat mechanisms were identifying AMD’s Anti-Lag+ technology as being a hacking tool, considering how the technology interferes with a games DLL files or rather injecting itself upon them.
Gamers on Apex Legends were getting their account banned, Counter-Strike 2 players were receiving VAC bans, this is a serious problem that requires serious measures to be taken until a proper resolution is provided.

With AMD’s Adrenalin 23.10.2 drivers, it brings much needed optimization and performance boosts for new titles such as Forza Motorsport and Lords of the Fallen, however to temporarily put a Band-Aid on the Anti-Lag+ problem AMD have entirely disabled the ability to utilize the technology in all of its supported titles, effectively un-launching the technology and putting it on hold until a proper resolution has been made available.
AMD Anti-Lag+ was offered as a means of players to further decrease latency across numerous titles over the standard rendition of Anti-Lag which remains available.
Although AMD’s intentions were commendable, it is evident that the implementation of Anti-Lag+ required genuine support from the game developers themselves to exclude Anti-Lag+ and its DLL modifications, particularly in terms of whitelisting the technology.
If that’s the case then just like NVIDIA’s REFLEX which also requires developer implementation, we are going to get sparce Anti-Lag+ support for actual games moving forward.
Unfortunately, it seems that these crucial steps were overlooked from AMD’s part. While Anti-Lag+ works seamlessly with offline games, its compatibility with online games has resulted in irreparable damage to AMD’s dwindling reputation across the hive mine of the internet which is utterly dominated by the usage of NVIDIA GeForce products.
And rightfully so, DLL injections are by far one of the most common methods for cheating utilities, AMD clearly lacked the foresight to take a step back and actually think of the possibility that something like this could happen, trust in Anti-Lag+ will also be tested, even if those affected get unbanned it’s unlikely that the individuals will opt to use the technology for their competitive shooters again.