Around two weeks ago, NVIDIA made an announcement regarding its upcoming AI Summit which was to be held in Tel Aviv, Israel. It was announced that NVIDIA CEO, Jensen Huang would be there personally to deliver a keynote at the AI Summit.

The event, organized by NVIDIA, was dedicated to showcasing the latest advancements in artificial intelligence. Originally planned as an in-person gathering spanning two days, the summit holds great significance for NVIDIA (and shareholders) due to their substantial investments and influence in emerging AI and machine learning markets.

However due to recent events, those being an escalation in conflict between Israel and Palestine over the illegal occupation of Palestinian land resulting in quite possibly the largest ever assault on Israel by HAMAS.

Armed forces affiliated with HAMAS have reportedly crossed the Gaza Strip into Israel, resulting in widespread disruption and loss of life, the casualties include both IDF soldiers and civilians on the streets of Israel. As a response, Israel has declared a state of emergency and formally declared war on HAMAS.

This declaration grants Israel the legal authority to retaliate against HAMAS’ actions, with potential measures including targeted airstrikes of Gaza to neutralize the threat, but in reality they’re just carpet bombing innocents as a result of HAMAS’ actions.

An all out attack merely months after mass groups of riots / protesting swept the country against Benjamin Netanyahu, as a result of HAMAS’ invasion NVIDIA has made the ultimate decision to cancel its upcoming AI Summit rightfully due to concerns of safety amidst times of severely escalated conflict.

NVIDIA had planned to host its AI Summit on October 15-16 at EXPO Tel Aviv. The choice of Israel as the venue was strategic, considering the significant presence of AI hardware and software researchers and developers in the country, with the event having a large expectation of drawing around 2,500 people.

The event aimed to attract not only local experts but also thousands of visitors from around the world, offering them an opportunity to enhance their skills, explore cutting-edge accelerated computing technologies, and shape the future of AI.

Currently, NVIDIA has not provided any updates regarding the potential rescheduling or relocation of the event. Additionally, there is no information available regarding whether the planned keynote will be recorded or livestreamed as an alternative.