For all those degenerates out there with a crippling low self-esteem, Valve have just given you a lifeline.
While I cannot understand why people wish to actually pay money in exchange for the abundance of garbage western developed erotic troll titles found on the Steam Store, such as the stunning and brave “Sex with Hitler” collection. I however do know that some people see these pornographic games as bragging rights, who amongst their social circle has the biggest balls to publicly display that they are playing the most heinous deprived title imaginable.
But for those who wish to purchase and play eroge with their Steam account, the only solution has been to simply set your account to private so your friends simply do not know what games you own or what game you’re currently playing.

Valve however have token notice of this and wish to extend their hand towards their most gracious “coomers” by allowing you to keep your account publicly visible but rather instead you can opt to set certain games on your Steam account as being private so your friends will no longer name and shame you.

At present, the privacy settings on Steam are restricted. Users can only set their profile or specific sections (such as game details, friends list, and inventory) as public, friends-only, or private. While this offers a degree of control over shared information it’s not what you’d call nuanced by any means.
The discovery of a per-game privacy feature, unveiled and highlighted on Twitter by Pavel Djundik, the creator of SteamDB, it is expected to address this mental limitation allowing players to freely play the most heinous and hardcore western pornographic games without ridicule and exposure.

This new addition allows Steam users to designate specific games as “private,” ensuring that other Steam users, including their friends, won’t have access to view those games on the aforementioned account.
If there’s one thing I despise about Steam the most it would have to be their garbage double standards when it comes to permitting Japanese games on their platform, like most other woke leftists Valve absolutely demonize games and content that features “child-like” characters or school settings.
Over the years Valve has banned several prominent Japanese titles from release on Steam, games that contained no adult oriented content but happened to be in a school setting, featured petite female characters otherwise known as “lolicon” as woke savants would have you believe that a “loli” character is most certainly pedophilia.
While Valve immediately turns around and allows large scale publishers such as Kagura Games to infest the Steam store with the most hardcore of Japanese developed smut available, Valve’s curation team has an absurd hatred for petite female characters and yet hilariously enough Steam openly promotes and accepts various pornographic titles that feature depictions of small “child-like” male characters or “shota-con”.
If that’s your thing I don’t really give a shit, you’re your own individual. I merely just detest how Valve are willingly allowing one particular set of “problematic” content while demonizing the other.
Games such as Summer Memories, Succumate, Milky Quest 2 and My Naughty Summer Vacation just to name a few are all pornographic games on the Steam store that features depictions of male child-like characters, but schoolgirls are apparently harmful.
Let alone all of the abundance of progressive western developed smut pandering to niche audiences and fetishes, homosexuals, furries, BDSM, you name it Steam features it which just highlights their outlandish double standards even more.
Either it’s all okay or none of it is, but games allowing you to have sexual intercourse with Adolf Hitler is acceptable, but MA-15 visual novels such as The Key to Home were banned for featuring problematic depictions of schoolgirls, it makes no goddamn sense and I absolutely despise Valve for their twofaced antics.

And now Valve are set to usher in new privacy settings that will allow players to play such brilliant games as “Hentai vs Furries” without being called out on it by their so called friends on Steam by setting individual games as private to avoid unconventional conversations.
Valve has a shit load of pornographic games on their storefront, which do in fact sell. Mainly to those who think it’s “based” to highlight the thousands of farmed hours they’ve got in specific eroge titles, shameful consumers could soon hide the depressing fact that they’ve paid for porn in the not to distant future.