Once again, the pot calls the kettle black by taking the moral high ground whilst having their own skeletons to hide.
YouTuber and Streamer who goes by Tectone, with over 770,000 subscribers to his name primarily covers and streams gacha games such as Genshin Impact, Honkai: Star Rail and many others.

He’s a sort of reactionary channel that primarily covers all things gacha, which mind you are predominately games targeting straight heterosexual audiences by giving players an abundance of different attractive characters to pull for and use in-game.
Though it needs to be said that the man is an invasive cancer among every single fandom he tries to insert himself inside, simply for being a disingenuous retard, Tectone recently announced that he and his wife were getting a divorce back in December, this is likely attributed by the fact that Tectone openly berated his now ex-wife during live streams often enough that she divorced his ass.

His divorce clearly didn’t go down all that well, especially given the rise and prominence of Twitch e-whores at the time, Tectone sought to garner attention by means of equality by taking advantage of the latest “black bar” trend on Twitch and pretended to jack off whilst on camera on what was once a gaming focused website no doubt filled with underaged minors.
While not exactly on the same level as DSP (Dark Syde Phil) who actually jerked off “accidentally” on livestream, Tectone merely utilized the black bar “meta” that was running rampant to simply imply that he was jerking off because if women can leverage black bars for implied nudity then a man should be able to do the same thing.
All was right with the world until the mentally malnourished middle-aged man who covers gacha games for a living decided to bite the hand that feeds him, his viewers.
In his latest video upload, titles “Pathetic Disgusting Creep”, Tectone essentially throws his audience under the bus alongside making barbaric statements that are seemingly commonplace on Twitter made by left-leaning parasites who seemingly wish to help actual child predators by lumping fictitious drawings as being pedophilic by nature, that anyone who consumes “lolicon” content as being a pedophile themselves.
Tectone is basically reacting to another video by another Genshin YouTuber who is rating the various characters of Genshin Impact by their “breed ability”.
It’s basically just one way of ranking characters by order of which characters one finds attractive, no harm no fowl but apparently Tectone simply cannot handle the fact that another individual amongst his supposed Genshin oriented community might be a lolicon, hence the tweet.
Tectone basically ousted himself as being another invasive parasite that simply wishes everyone gets on the same moral high ground as himself, he is the path of righteousness, anyone who is attracted to fictional depictions of little girls is “messed up in the head” and are “bound to hurt somebody”.
Sure would be bad if Tectone himself was found to be harboring such “pedophilic” content himself now wouldn’t it.
It’s a tale as old as time itself, those who project moral values upon others almost certainly has something to hide, in which case various individuals noticed that Tectone was following some “problematic” artists on Twitter.

A grown ass man that plays gacha games ends up following and consuming hentai? Say it aint so, we’re not here to judge the fact that the man likes such content however we are most certainly going to laugh at his hypocritical stance against lolicon content.
Mizumizuni is just one of the many hentai artists that were followed by Tectone during the making of his video, and obviously I have to make a disclaimer that their content is strictly for adults only.

That being said, Mizumizuni predominately produces hentai artwork featuring various characters that many leftists on Twitter deem to be problematic as they are either small in stature or appear / portrayed as being younger, i.e. a lolicon.

Tango, another artist followed by Tectone also produces animated pornographic content featuring characters such as Hatsune Miku, another character that retarded leftoids larp about being underage despite the fact that Hatsune Miku has probably been around longer than most of those complaining have been alive for.
Tectone is the absolute worst kind of individual I despise the most, a worthless content grifter ousting themselves as a hypocritical asshole by going on about how bad and problematic and harmful lolicons and lolicon content is, when the reality is that these sorts of people are the ones doing actual damage by watering down the meaning of the word pedophile and child exploitive material by lumping fictional artwork as if they were genuine “CP” material.

Again, the man that implied to an audience of underaged children on Twitch that he was jerking off live on camera wants to lecture you about how drawings are wrong and harmful, all the while he specifically follows content creators that seemingly produce nothing but such problematic material.
As you would expect from a fledgling content creator going through a midlife crisis, upon being confronted with their blatant hypocrisy, Tectone doubles down by specifically scrubbing his Twitter follows and removing those who produce pornographic material.

Because it’s time to “grow up” apparently. Convenient for him to make such a drastic change to his livelihood right after being ousted as another hypocritical anti.
If you were going to make a stance about how such content is wrong, you could’ve just made a private Twitter list and filled it with all the smut you could dream of, and nobody would’ve noticed.
As always it needs to be said that your likes and or follows are always public to see, remember that.