Mary Kenney, an Associate Narrative Director at Insomniac Games working on Marvel’s Wolverine, shared a lengthy thread defending Sweet Baby Inc. by manipulating readers’ perceptions of the company’s actions which have been well documented.
A sequel to Gamergate appears increasingly likely as familiar figures such as game journalists, are defending Sweet Baby Inc in droves. For instance, Kotaku recently published a hit piece targeting “conspiracy theorists” who criticize the DEI / ESG consultation firm.
Blissfully ignoring the fact that Sweet Baby Inc employees aren’t only responsible for the demise of multiple game development studios but also tried to incite an harassment campaign against one Brazilian individual for creating a Steam curation group that alerts people to games made in collaboration with Sweet Baby Inc.
Oh yeah, I also forgot to mention that the author of the article in question, Alyssa Mercante is openly racist towards White people.

Just like Sweet Baby Inc’s employees and founder, Kim Belair themselves.
Presently, an employee of Insomniac Games, a company deeply involved with Sweet Baby Inc for narrative purposes in the ESG-enriched Spider-Man 2 sequel which features racist Latinx Spanish localization, portrays Peter Parker as inept while Miles Morales is ushered in as the new Spider-Man moving forward.
The game features inclusive LGBTQ+ / BIPOC side-quests, defeminizes Mary Jane from previous entries, and makes Black Cat as a lesbian, among other changes.
Regardless, an employee from Insomniac Games, Mary Kenny, an associate narrative director took to Twitter with a 12 post thread defending the nefarious company.

Kenney started off by sharing a disingenuous breakdown of Sweet Baby Inc.’s role, as described by 8BitClosedFist on a TikTok video uploaded to Twitter where he states:
I have avoided the conversation around Sweet Baby Inc. for so long, but now it’s getting out of hand. Basically, when a game is being made some people will hire them to help them writing a dialogue or character design of certain types of characters. Spoiler alert: it usually involves stories and characters that isn’t the default.”
“Now anti-woke people call it one of this and they flock to it like flies on a turd. They’ll tell you they’re the reason Kill the Justice League and Arkham Knight are bad games. They’ll say they’re the reason why Spider-Man is dating a deaf woman, why Joel lost in golf, and why they can’t edge to their favorite characters, and it all sounds ridiculous because, from the bottom of my heart, it is.”
“But they won’t mention that they worked on games like God of War: Ragnarok, Alan Wake 2. They won’t tell you precisely what they worked on, what pieces of dialogue did they add to what game and how because they don’t know. It’s not public knowledge. Some of the clowns are even going as far as to say they are the reason for the layoffs, which makes no sense.”
After sharing the video, Kenney posted, “It starts with: dev team has an idea. Maybe they already have an outline of their story and a core gameplay loop. Maybe they’ve got a whole script and a playable build. Either way, something is missing.”

“Could be any number of things,” she continued. “A character feels underbaked. Maybe a whole faction. The backstory of a map has weaksauce worldbuilding, and no one on the team has time to do the research & brainstorming to make it cool.”
“Maybe the dev team has gotten a ton of notes from publishers + execs on things that aren’t working in the game,” Kenney went on. “Maybe the notes are all internal – the team knows something is wrong but not how to identify or fix it,” she added.

Kenney then shared, “Wherever you are in development, and wherever the notes are coming from, the problem is the same: something’s wrong, and the team can’t figure out how to fix it. That’s when you call Sweet Baby.”
Next, she posted, “This next part is key, because some of you seem really confused: NARRATIVE CONSULTANTS DO NOT GET FINAL SAY, and they don’t override the core dev team and leads.
Kenney then stated, “They CONSULT. They do research, pitch ideas, give feedback, and maybe even write scripts. But none of that gets into the game unless THE CORE DEV TEAM AGREES WITH IT. I’m going to keep saying that, because it’s key.”

“Sweet Baby is not, nor is any consulting group, coming in to wreck games,” she claimed. “They’re helping smooth out plots and deepen characters. They ease the burden on the core narrative team. They’re additive in every way.”
Kenney continued, “And if the dev team disagrees with them on something? The dev team doesn’t take the note.”
“It really is that simple,” she wrote. “So no, Sweet Baby did not kill your game. Of course they had nothing to do with the layoffs (duh???) They gave notes, pitches, advice, and research. The STUDIO made the final call on what went in the game. If you have beef, it’s with us. Keep it with us.”
Kenney concluded her thread, “I’m so lucky to have worked with that team. I hope to do so again. I hope asshats don’t drive out some of the most talented, passionate people we’ve got.”

Before finally linking to Kotaku’s article defending Sweet Baby Inc, written by an anti-White racist author who purposefully obscured vital information about how Sweet Baby Inc employees launched a harassment campaign against a single individual for merely highlighting which games were made in conjunction with the company.
A glance at Sweet Baby Inc.’s website quickly contradicts the narrative Mary Kenney is presenting.

Their “About Us” section reads, “Established in 2018, Sweet Baby Inc. is a narrative development and consulting studio headquartered in Montreal, with a global reach. Our mission is to craft more empathetic narratives while fostering diversity and enrichment in the video game sector. We strive to create games that are not only more captivating and enjoyable but also more meaningful and inclusive, for all.”

In their Outreach section, they explicitly express their goal to transform the video game industry: “New and marginalized talent can change this industry if given the proper support. We want to provide this through our outreach programs.”
And given how Sweet Baby Inc’s own founder, Kim Belair isn’t just openly prejudiced towards White people, but rather spoke at GDC proclaiming how she would threaten those in a higherup position with the potential for a media shitstorm if the company didn’t listen to her thoughts and ideas regarding inclusivity in a game project.
Other aspects of her presentation include how she openly proclaimed that she was opposed to diversifying a game with a Frenchman but rather wanted a person of color instead because true representation only matters when that ethnicity has a brown skin color.
“I once worked on a project where they had an all-white cast where they expressed their desire, ‘Okay, we need to mix it up a bit. How about this character’s like stereotypically French.’ So they have a beret and they have like a striped shirt.’ And I was like, ‘Okay, if you need to do that, can we at least make them a person of color?’ And they said, ‘Oh no, that would be weird. They’re already French.’”
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Sweet Baby Inc’s “consultancy” isn’t geared towards fostering inclusivity; rather, it stifles creativity and heavily favors ESG policies by pushing towards checkboxes, disabled, gay, trans, non-binary, black, brown, you name it.

Sweet Baby Inc’s core focus centers on race and ideology. Their priority isn’t genuine inclusivity but rather assessing individuals based on race and excluding those who don’t align with specific criteria who are usually White.
This isn’t a conspiracy theory, this is simply reality. ESG exists, companies such as BlackRock and Vanguard control trillions of dollars worth of assets, they push companies to adhere to certain policies and guidelines such as DEI inclusion in advertisements and especially hiring policies.
They both own a large stake of shares in just about every publicly traded company you can imagine irrespective of their region, from American tobacco giants to Japanese game developers to Korean technology corporations. If it’s a publicly tradable commodity rest assured that either BlackRock or Vanguard own some stake to it.
They engage in this tactic to pressure numerous companies into compliance with their ESG agenda, which is essentially a deceptive strategy to introduce “woke” or politically correct ideology within a company. Hiring personnel based solely on their skin color, sexual orientation, or gender, rather than their actual skills, abilities, and qualifications for the job.
Which undoubtedly has reached the gaming industry which is now awash with these beneficial tax lemmings such as Mary Kenney, the original Gamergate was merely about ethics in journalism, exposing a longstanding connection between journalists and their buddies and pals whom have infected the industry at large.
Gamergate never went away, the media is still blatantly corrupt and favors entities that are designed to push the “message” or are made by their friends and allies, such as the annual Game Awards ceremony or the fact that the only sort of praise modern games made in conjunction with Sweet Baby Inc receive aren’t from gamers themselves but rather outlets such as IGN, GameSpot, VG247 and about a thousand more no-namers outlets you’ve never hard of before.
At the end of her GDC presentation, Kim Belair hilariously proclaims that “none of what we’re doing is about ticking boxes or about a veneer of wokeness. We actually have to care about making this stuff.”

Which is exactly why modern Black character design revolves entirely around a punk rock design with a dreadlock fade.
Gamers didn’t really care about race or sexual orientation of gaming protagonists, not until people like Kim Belair and her band of anti-White racists at Sweet Baby Inc began forcing the agenda down our throats while simultaneously proclaiming how gamers are “racist far-right bigots.”
What we’re facing here is a situation where game developers have been compromised for years. Skilled developers who once created games out of passion have either retired or fallen victim to cancel culture. They’ve been replaced by a swarm of “new developers,” mostly women, hired en masse by profit-driven corporations.

If it means tax write-offs thanks to DEI hiring practices and promoting progressive products to attract ESG hedge fund investments, then these corporations are willing to do whatever it takes.

These developers proactively hate you, the consumer, they are openly prejudiced towards White people, but they’re more than happy to take your money though, but strangely enough they act surprised when consumers are no longer bothering to pay money in exchange for poor quality produce that are obviously pushing an agenda.

Media outlets and their so-called journalists will defend the actions of Sweet Baby Inc until their inevitable demise as more and more consumers are beginning to notice patterns in their delusional ramblings and articles filled with gaslighting, the collusion between game developers and media entities never went away when it was initially uncovered back in 2014.
Only this time around this isn’t about corruption and bias and media integrity but rather this is a hostile takeover of the video gaming industry by malicious individuals who despise “toxicity”, by dubbing everything they do not like as being either racist or sexist. They are stifling creativity and vow to silence those who oppose them.