Gender quality isn’t just about inclusivity and being blind to sexual orientation, in this modern era the concept of “gender equality” is actually political compliance and outright heterophobia.
NexusMods is one of the most if not the most popular video game mod hosting platform available on the internet, and for the past several years they’ve made it their mission to be the most inclusive and welcoming mod service of all by prompting banning and removing game modifications that don’t adhere to modern sensibilities of political correctness.

Namely, they’ve advocated for the removal of “political” mods, such as the replacement of pride flags for the American flag inside of Marvel’s Spider-Man.
Despite the fact that game modding is typically seen as a way for individuals to express themselves freely inside of video games, where their mods allow themselves and potentially others to feel more represented, have fun or remove features that they personally do not agree with or do not like being forced down their throat.
Game mods are freedom of expression, given the popularity of raunchy modifications for games such as Resident Evil and Skyrim, people simply like what they like and I have no issues with that, the left however takes immense issue with game modding so long as the mods themselves do not adhere to what’s called “the message”.
Leftist invaders amongst the gaming community continually screech like banshees regarding political ideologies and pandering being forced upon gamers, such as the inclusion of gender pronouns in Starfield’s character creator, they’ll say that such inclusions are simply minor and are easily ignored despite being thrusted upon unsuspecting players.
But if you remove such inclusions you are quite literally the worst kind of person in their eyes, because game mods are only freedom of speech / expression unless you remove or alter an aspect that’s merely feministic bullshit.
It’s perfectly acceptable according to these people to alter the appearances of characters by making them more revealing, only if they’re men of course because if you made a woman more appealing that would be sexist.
You can change a character to be of other races if you’d like, perfectly fine if you want to feel more represented, it’s your game, do whatever the fuck you like. However the problem arises when these kinds of people cheer and admires it when a game modder turns characters from being depicted as White to Black.
Such as this lovely mod which turns all of Baldur’s Gate 3 companions Black, however if you modify a character of a marginalized race and turned them White you are apparently supporting genocide and are a racist oppressor, leftists will never allow us to have it both ways.
If a character is depicted as Hispanic or African-American, it’s incomprehensible to modify them to be lighter in skin tone, such as the catastrophic shitshow we’ve previously seen with the White Wyll mod for Baldur’s Gate 3 which was previously banned by Nexusmods.
If something is gay it must always remain that way, if you remove that aspect you’re worse than Hitler. But it’s perfectly acceptable for them to retroactively make male characters more revealing to facilitate their homo-erotic fantasies.

Are you starting to see where I’m getting at here? Imagine if Kotaku in this instance were to write a shill piece regarding breast jiggle physics, leftoids would genuinely want the head of the corporate “journalist” who wrote it.
It’s hypocritical compliance, game mods are only freedom of expression and advocated unless they go against certain ideologies, with Nexusmods once again revealing their hand at being an authoritarian piece of shit by removing another game mod for Baldur’s Gate 3 that turned a Lesbian relationship and made it a heterosexual one instead.
Yeah, I wish I was kidding. If I was playing Dungeons and Dragons and I was being forced to endure horribly written progressive pandering political nonsense, I don’t want to stop playing D&D, rather I simply want another Dungeon Master.
Baldur’s Gate 3 is absolute rife with progressive themes, it’s one of the most diverse and inclusive games of all time, designed from the ground up with political propaganda laced throughout its story and subtones.
You can have gay sexual intercourse with an actual Bear for fuck sake and yet I’m apparently the bad guy for liking feminine women who may or may not have large breasts.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a fully immersive RPG and given it’s nature you would expect a great deal of romance to be present inside the game and there’s countless depictions of romanceable companions catering to all sexual preferences and orientations, there’s also a great deal of romance depicted throughout the games lore as well such as the character of Dame Aylin.
Aylin is depicted as being in a lesbian relationship with the character of Isobel. Upon encountering Isobel and Aylin, players discover that the two have endured a separation spanning over a century. Isobel, having previously succumbed to death, was resurrected after a prolonged period. Aylin, devastated by the loss of Isobel, found herself imprisoned by General Ketheric Thorm.

If players opt to defend Isobel at the Last Light Inn and free Aylin from her captivity, the couple can experience a heartfelt reunion, culminating in a kiss.
One player in particular wasn’t into that sort of malarkey so they decided to modify the game by turning Dame Aylin into a male character instead, effectively turning her into “Ser Aylin”, the name of the offending mod in question which featured AI voice lines to reimagine the character as being male, effectively making the relationship a heterosexual one instead.

The mod has since been banned however you can freely view the Nexusmod page listing for “Ser Aylin” via this Wayback Archive.
Nexusmods is rife full of degenerate and shameful game modifications, especially for Baldur’s Gate 3 as I’ve previously mentioned, nude modifications for male characters or “BBW” mods that turn female characters into obese lumps.

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a single player game, the only way these sorts of game mods can interact with and actually offend people would be if they went out of their way and downloaded it and installed it themselves.
I personally don’t like to see fat women inside my video games, but the choice is there to freely download and install it for the deranged people who like such content, and yet mods such as the Ser Aylin mod is removed on the grounds of being evil as it “removes diversity.”
Because Nexusmods are all for diversity and inclusivity, but that doesn’t necessarily mean they support and condone heterosexual depictions between a man and a woman though, why would you expect them to support heterosexuality if they are clearly for “all genders and sexual orientations”, because LOVE is LOVE you bigot.
Shameful shit that I absolutely do not like is merely praised while mods that effectively alter the gender of a non playable character by turning them into a man is obviously frowned upon hence its removal, the reason of which was stated by NexusMods moderators for having violated their community rules for “reducing diversity”.

Personally, I see no issue with the mod itself which alters the gender from being female to male, in my eyes this would insinuate that the mod in question effectively makes Ser Aylin to be transgender, for NexusMod officials to remove the mod outright and ban the uploader would be rather bigoted as it would imply that they are merely transphobic and wish to crack down on the modification made by an individual who wished to feel more accurately represented by having their favorite characters depicted the same way that they are.
The reason for its removal is quite apparently once you take into account that a reddit post complaining about how offensive the mod itself was achieved over 18,000 upvotes, all of which were most certainly made by real accounts and not progressive botting.
Regardless, a Nexus post proclaimed that the Ser Aylin mod was removed and its uploader banned outright for skirting their community guidelines with a mod that was made to reduce diversity in Baldur’s Gate 3, reducing diversity is apparently against the community guidelines of NexusMods who proclaim that they are for diversity and inclusivity, except in the cases where game modifications aren’t receipted well by the hivemind of the intellectually challenged (Reddit).
The post proclaims that Nexusmods “aren’t the authority” on what game mods users create and upload onto the website, despite simultaneously uttering the line that “as a private business, we have the right to choose what content we do not want to feature on our platform”.
Nexus wields an excessive amount of influence and popularity as a host for mod files. The choice of mods individuals incorporate into their games should be irrelevant to them, as it does not impact the experiences of others and are entirely optional, even if you were to strongly dislike particular mods, prohibiting them outright in such a manner draws negative attention and ousts yourselves as being hypocritical dickheads.
Because once again it has to be said, you can mod straight characters and make them gay, you can turn White characters into other races but if you do it the other way around you’re getting a swift ban and you’ll make the top page of Reddit.

Because the Ser Aylin mod isn’t some lousy modification made to disrupt the impenetrable armor of diversity, it features over 700 voiced lines thanks to artificial intelligence, the altercation of over 150 voice lines both from the player and NPCs that mention Dame Aylin as being male.
The left don’t care who you are, what race you are, what gender you are. In this case Yedlike identifies as being a Muslim woman.

Again, the so called “inclusive” and “tolerant” people have usurped a mod creation made by a person of color, simply because the transgender community has to scapegoat almost everything as being offensive or “targeting” them, though obviously these trans activists on the brainless society of Reddit couldn’t care less about what race or gender “Yedlike” happens to be, they will feel absolutely no remorse for their actions as they continually infect everything else with their progressive “this is offensive to me” spiel.
You can find the mod itself over at “Based Mods”, a website that is quickly gaining prominence and popularity due to the Streisand effect brought on upon by these hypocritical authoritarian websites such as NexusMods, ModDB, Game Banana and other platforms that are becoming safe havens for progressive ideologies to congregate and make additional demands as to what’s deemed “offensive” to their fragile mentality.
Despite the fact that I feel more represented with this modification, I still won’t be playing Baldur’s Gate 3 as I will not subject myself to political and progressive tyranny disguised as a video game.