Get ready for a torrential flood of fanart.
I’ve long been critical of Capcom’s release of Street Fighter 6, as the company has increasingly embraced the West’s ESG policies. They’ve censored problematic content in games like Resident Evil 4 Remake and have retroactively added DRM to older games in a desperate bid to thwart PC modders.

Modern Capcom are a shadow of its former self, no longer truly a Japanese company. Street Fighter 6, their most inclusive game in years, is marred by overpriced and lackluster cosmetic microtransactions. Despite these issues, it remains popular largely due to its name value alone.

However, if you’re among those who have bought Street Fighter 6, supporting Capcom’s alignment with BlackRock’s behavioral agenda, resulting in modified and less revealing designs for its iconic characters, you might find it hard to resist their latest announcement at the Summer Games Festival.
At the Summer Games Fest 2024, Capcom revealed the Season 2 DLC lineup for Street Fighter 6, featuring Terry Bogard, Mai Shiranui, Elena, and M. Bison.
The release order for these new DLC characters is as follows: M. Bison is intended to release first sometime this Summer, Terry Bogard will release Fall 2024, the voluptuous Mai Shiranui will release in the Winter of 2025, and the equally dazzling Elena will round out the collaboration come Spring 2025, likely to coincide with the release of Fatal Fury: City of the Wolves.
Capcom’s staggered release strategy ensures they can keep fans engaged, and spending.
Despite these tactics, the crossover between Street Fighter and SNK’s revitalized Fatal Fury series will undoubtedly spark immense excitement, potentially boosting Street Fighter 6 sales on its own or giving existing players an incentive to spend and play again.
Terry Bogard was one of the three playable characters in the 1991 release of Fatal Fury on the Neo Geo, directed by Takashi Nishiyama, the creator of the original Street Fighter game. Over the years, there has been considerable overlap between SNK and Capcom’s fighting games, but including a guest character like Bogard is a first for Capcom’s mainline Street Fighter series.
Mai Shiranui, on the other hand, made her first appearance in 1992’s Fatal Fury 2 and has since become one of the most iconic and recognizable female characters in fighting game franchises.
This is largely due to her attractiveness and captivating attire. Her last significant appearance was as DLC for Dead or Alive 5 and its sequel, Dead or Alive 6.
Elena’s inclusion is sure to excite fans who appreciate her unique appeal.
First introduced in 1997’s Street Fighter III: New Generation, Elena is known for her striking and provocative Capoeira moveset, a Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance and danger.
Despite some misconceptions about her character as being a “tomboy,” Elena has maintained her status as an attractive and dynamic figure in the Street Fighter series that is sure to excite true fans of fighting games unphased of being attracted to members of the opposite sex.
With the conclusion of Street Fighter 6’s second season in Spring 2025, the game will boast a total of 26 playable characters, along with the option to create your own custom character, however monstrous it may be.
While this isn’t the first crossover between Fatal Fury/The King of Fighters and Capcom’s Street Fighter franchise, previous titles like “Capcom vs. SNK Millennium Fight 2000” and “Capcom vs. SNK 2” paved the way.
This announcement is sure to thrill many fans. It will undoubtedly inspire fanart featuring characters like Mai Shiranui and spur valiant game modders into action upon their release. It would certainly be amusing if a mishap similar to Corner2Corner’s tournament occurred again, where a caster forgot to disable their Chun-Li nude mod mid-tournament.
Although I don’t condone purchasing Street Fighter 6 for moral reasons, the game has yet to be cracked, so your options are limited if you’re particularly interested in this announcement. The game is available on most modern console platforms and, of course, on PC.